Cooper has gotten tall enough to get things off the counter and off of tables. It seems as if nothing is safe anymore. I turn around to start preparing dinner for just a minute and there he is, emptying the contents of my wallet all over the floor. Then later on I left my just opened, ice-chilled beer sitting on the table when I went outside to close up the grill... Poor beer. It died a most horrible death. A lot of it wound up in Cooper's hair.
I've noticed Colton being more alert. He tracks people and we're seeing more and more smiles. It's probably a good thing we had Cooper first, because Colton is so easy going and generally isn't too difficult. Cooper wasn't too bad, but compared to Colton I believe he was and will always be more of a handful. If Colton had come first, Cooper would be driving us up the wall right now and we would not know what to do. Perhaps it's sort of like swinging two baseball bats in the on deck circle. Swinging two makes swinging one seem easier. Having the more difficult child first makes handling the second child easier. I say that and I know with a 99.9% certainty Cooper is going to teach Colt all of his bad habits.
Colton is an extremely gassy baby. He seems so tortured sometimes, poor guy.
Strapping two small children into their carseats for a 6 hour trip is pure torture for everyone involved. Before we go on another long journey, we will be sure to get a portable dvd player with some disney movies. We went to Best Buy tonight to look at one model, but it was still on the delivery truck.
He looks so sad. It think it's all that gas. It does a number on him.
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It took quite a few pictures to get a picture this good of Colt with Pappy...
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And this is just one of them.
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Here's another.
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A good pic of Colt from this fine evening.
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Just for the record, I couldn't get a decent pic of Cooper tonight. Kid won't sit still.
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I agree..just try your best to hide it and only bring it out for long car rides...otherwise you will be tortured with the same dvd for every little car trip!
Cute pictures. Do you have one with the two of them in it?
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