Cooper's still not feeling well, but I don't think he's doing as bad as yesterday. I took a half day off this afternoon to help Micole, because I knew she was very tired.
I tried to finish our taxes, but our printer is out of ink and it doesn't seem to work. I'm going to print it out from my dad's house tomorrow evening.
Micole changed Cooper on the couch this afternoon. When she took off the diaper, he proceeded to pee on the couch, getting a little on me and this laptop which was a good a 3-4 feet away. As I was coming back from the kitchen with a wash cloth and paper towels, he decided that he wasn't finished. He changed his aim and then peed all over the tax documents that I had spread across the floor, again making pretty good distance. I had already input most of the information, so thankfully I didn't need to go through all of the documents.
If I get audited it might make a good story for the IRS. Hmm... So you want to know why the paperwork smells like urine? Well, the papers are yellow for a reason...