Cooper turned 7 months old today and Mommy forgot. Daddy forgot too, but he remembered before Mommy, so Coop remember that your Daddy loves you just a little bit more than your Mommy. Just kiddin'.
We're wrapping up our deal to purchase a new house in the Commonwealth of Kentucky (Kentucky's not even a state), so we got home late this evening. I've also made it my goal to get to bed before 10 every night, but it's almost 10 already, so I going to miss that goal. I'll keep things short, though.
The dog is in big trouble. He tore apart a poopy diaper that we had left on the coffee table. Gross! I rubbed his nose in it and chased him around with it all the while telling him what a bad dog he is. Safe to say I won't let him lick me for a few days. I feel like the whole place needs to be disinfected.
Cooper's crawling, kind of. More like slithering, but it's definitely forward motion, so we'll give him credit. He's also very talkative at times and he has this new grunting thing that he does. He used to grunt just when it was time to fill his diaper, but this is something a little different. He grunts and clenches his fists just because he can, I guess.
With Mommy when we got home a little bit ago.
Cooper's new jacket. He also has a new toy, the newspaper. It can entertain him for hours and it's recyclable. That's right... Were saving the environment one toy at a time. I have become a manic recycler. Did you know that recycling just one aluminum can saves enough energy to run a television for about 3 hours? I figure in my lifetime I could've recycled enough cans to keep Las Vegas going for about a week. I implore everyone to do what they can to recycle.
New Jacket On A Cold October Morning
Originally uploaded by mcandou.
I dropped the camera and it took this shot. I kind of like it.
I dropped the camera and it took this shot
Originally uploaded by mcandou.
Happy Birthday Cooper & congrats on the new house, crawling & new sibling :-)
Oh bad doggie! So you're moving huh? Well congrats!! And we recycle...I live with a 12 year old passionate about environmental issues!
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