No new baby to report on yet. Like I said, I think we'll be inducing about this time next week. I might be proven wrong, but for whatever reason Micole doesn't seem to be biologically capable of spitting out babies early or even on time. She is apparently good at getting pregnant, but not so good at getting unpregnant.
Micole is going to the doctor tomorrow morning, so I may update the blog then with what is going on with her innards. I have not the slightest clue what it all means, I just know the doctor puts on a rubber glove, sticks his hand here and there and says some gobbeldygook about some measurement using the crazy metric system and some percentage that means nothing to me. With Cooper we were certain Micole would go early. The numbers have been about the same with Coltlin, but still no early go.
Since the babysitter is going on a field trip, I have the pleasure of staying home with Cooper tomorrow. It makes me think about all of the time I've spent with him over the last year and all of the precious time shared. Soon I will get to experience all of those same things with a new baby, except this time around I have a one-year-old whose entire existence seems to revolve around finding new things to throw down the basement stairs and pooping. It's going to be so great!
Off the subject a little bit: I used my riding lawn mower for the first time today. It's got a cup holder! So now I can take something I don't like to do (mowing the lawn) and combine it with something I really like to do (drinking beer), which then equals something I like to do (drinking beer while mowing the lawn). I'm loving it, though I'm pretty sure I missed a few spots (perhaps a result of the beer drinking).
I was told I had to post this picture by my wife, because Aunt Kelly bought him this shirt. We do what we can to make Aunt Kelly happy.
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Photo SharingA booboo update. Yesterday when Micole dropped Cooper off at the babysitter's house, Cooper fell and hit his eye on the corner of a table. Cooper's okay except for a little bit of a black eye. The table is listed in stable condition.
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Photo SharingCoop's a sleepy baby on this peaceful evening.
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