Thursday, April 20, 2006


Micole's been having some hard transactions for the last few hours. They're coming about 15 minutes or so apart. So it's nothing for sure or anything, but we're going to get everything packed up for the hospital in case we have to go in the middle of the night. I'm tenatively excited. Tonight would be a good night for the baby to arrive because I was off today and I could make it a long, long weekend.

She's had more contractions, but they've slowed down to about one per hour. Might happen tonight; Might not.

UPDATE 7 AM: Nothing happened. False alarm. The induction is scheduled for next Thursday morning.


Kelli said...

Oh man! I checked as soon as I could hoping to hear of a new sibling for Mini Cooper! Tell Micole, I am thinking of her and wish her a swift and easy (not that easy is ever the right word to use, but you get the idea) delivery.

mini me's momma said...

Good Luck!!! Hope he/she makes an apearance w/out being induced!!!