Sunday, July 17, 2005

Teething Question

My wife wants to me to ask "if anyone has any advice on teething rings or teething treatments"? And of course any advice related to teething would be welcome. Thanks in advance.

So far the only thing we've heard is to rub some Jack Daniel's on his gums.


Anonymous said...

Hylands Teething Tablets. I heard about them from all the moms on the message board I read You can find 'em at Walgreens or or just google for more info)... they are all-natural something or other and you can't overdose on them.

I was skeptical about how effective they'd be, but when you are stuck in the throws of teething, you'll try anything. (as I'm sure you are well aware)

We used to give Benjamin 4 of them along with the baby tylenol before bed. Worked wonders. I would also give him the teething tablets throughout the day. They dissolve right away too so you can just slip them under his tongue or dissolve them into a bottle and give them that way. GOOD stuff.

During the REALLY bad times we were giving him those, the baby tylenol AND some gas drops for good measure. hee hee...

Personally, I think the Tylenol at bedtime was key during peak teething times, but I'm sure the teething tablets never hurt!

mini me's momma said...

Teething eh? If Cooper is anything like Nicholas, no teether will work. I bought every one I could find...he likes his fingers... I did find dive toys at Target...there are 4 in a bag for $2.99 in the summer toy area...4 colors, flexible like a spatula and they get coldish in the freezer...he likes those. Regular and frozen washcloths are good too...I upgraded to adult size. He also liked frozen grapes, but you have to supervise that big time... I did use frozen nipples....put them in an ice cube tray w/some Pedilyte..but again, supervised activity...its a little risky. Someone told us cold or frozen carrots, but Nicholas didn't like the taste.
Heard a rumor of giving Benydryl, but our Pedi said no way...worth asking though. Tylenol helps, cold bottles, cold applesauce or bananas...
We tried the teething tablets...our Pedi didn't recommend them but we tried every so often when we got desperate...sometimes they may have helped, but sometimes we saw no difference.
We also tried baby oragel when we could finally see the bud getting close, but our little wriggler ended up getting most of it on his tongue instead.
Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Well, all of the above is sound advice, but mine never took to teething rings, or frozen washcloths. Those products on the market for teething babies didn't work either. So I used children's acetaminophen when it got really bad, and relied on the fact that I have 10 fingers - just a little pressure on the sore spot, and a little gnawing on mom seemed to work. Course, it hurts, but hey, it was better than a screaming baby!

Good luck! That's a tough stage!

Jack's Mom said...

Yep I agree with the Hylands Teething tables and Tylenol. The combo of the two usually works. You will probably have to re-dose after 4 hours, but it used to knock Jack out. As far as teething rings - waste of money. Jack just looked at them and never once used them for their intended purpose. If he needs something to gnaw on, your finger works the best. That is until an actual tooth does show up and then owie.

Teaparty said...

My mom used brandy.

My wife always used those infernal crackers...the ones that look like a piece of small toast but are somehow cured in concrete.

She also used water-filled teethers that you can chill in the fridge and frozen washcloths with great success.

I always thought sandpaper would have worked splendidily, but didn't get much backup from the missus. But, if your game, I would suggest a 120 or 150 grain paper.

But if the wife comes home and takes your fool head off, don't come crying to me.

RB said...

Teething tablets, tylenol, and peach schnapps. Sounds like a great blog title doesn't it?

The teething tablets seemed to help, but I think mainly the tylenol. The only teether babybeaux liked was the one that vibates when you bite down on it.