Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Baby Names

Well, we don't know if it's a boy or a girl. You can blame Micole for that, but we do have some great names picked out!

If it's a boy: Cooper Douglas. On this there is no debate.

If it's a girl: either Molly Elaine or Madison Elaine. We don't know yet. We'll just have to wait and see what she looks like. Molly? Madison?

Some information about the origins of these names:

Cooper is English for "Barrel maker". Cooper is the last name of a dear departed family friend.

Douglas is Celtic/Gaelic for "Flowing from the dark river". My uncle Doug was killed in an accident before I was born. My parents named me Marty after his middle name.

Molly is Hebrew for "Bitter". We both really like this name.

Elaine is French for "Light". Even though Elaine is French and I can't stand the French, we picked this name to honor a good friend who had to leave the party much too early.

Madison is English for "Son of Matthew". Matthew is Hebrew for "God's Gift". So technically Madison means "the Son of God's Gift". We both like this name. It's also special because Micole's sister wanted this name for her baby girl, but since she's had the luck of having three beautiful boys, she offered it to us.

For our next child who knows, maybe we will auction off the naming rights to the highest bidder on Ebay or to a multinational corporation. Exxon Johnson or Verizon Johnson or Starbucks Johnson doesn't sound half bad for a few million dollars. If we had twins they could be Procter & Gamble Johnson.

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