Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Pregnant and Uncomfortable: 22 Days Left

Micole's back has been bothering her. She realizes that if she wants to be anywhere at a certain time, that she has to leave 5 minutes earlier than she's used to because it takes her that much longer to waddle to the car.

She had a wicked case of the giggles tonight when we were at Meijer. Anyone who knows her, knows that once she gets on laughing trip it's hard for her to stop. She didn't even know what was so funny. Basically, I made her laugh so hard that she almost had to pee herself. Which the fact that she almost peed herself made it even more funny to her, so that she was laughing even harder. So she said "We'll tell them that my water broke". I said "Cleanup on aisle 5." Which of course led to more laughing on her part. Then I said, "But they'll say it smells like urine." Even more laughing. I honestly don't know how she was able to hold back the flow. This whole episode lasted for about 10 minutes.

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