Monday, February 28, 2005

Micole Birthwatch 2005 (17 Days Left?)

We went to the OBGYN this morning and nothing new to report... But....Micole got very sick today. She didn't feel well last night or this morning when she woke up. After eating lunch, she vomited (I drew a picture of what it might have looked like below). I had to leave work to pick her up at school, because I had the car today. Normally, she drops me off at work and then picks me up in the evening. This morning because we went to the OBGYN, I dropped her off at school and then went to work.

She thinks she just has a bug, but three of her co-workers claim that on the days when they went into labor, that they woke up in the morning sick. They all thought they just had a bug, but that later in the evening they went into labor. We'll just have to wait and see. I'm hoping for at least another week before delivery, because alot of my important tasks at work come at the beginning of the month. After the first week of the month it's easier to get away from work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oooh - can you tell Micole to go ahead and have the baby this week? You know - since I'm already coming home and all this weekend! :)

Kidding - hope she's feeling better!!!