Thursday, June 02, 2005

Thursday's Pictures

I'm not sure, but I don't believe I have enough pictures of Cooper in his swing.

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Certainly I don't have enough of him in his chair.

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But then, you really can't have enough.

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Cooper practices whistling the theme song to "The Andy Griffith Show".

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This is Daddy's new and innovative way to deal with Cooper when he gets fussy. Just put him in front of the mirror and he stops crying. Sometimes he'll even smile and laugh at himself. It works even better than giving him his binky. It's almost a miracle treatment for fussiness.

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There is some saying in Hollywood about how actors should never work with kids. They're just too unpredictable. Right before we shot this video, Mommy was able to get Cooper laugh at will. As soon as we turned on the video he wouldn't do it. Mommy winds up entertaining herself.

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1 comment:

Busy Mom said...

He is so cute!!