Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Día de cinco meses

Today is el cinco monthos dayo (that's all the Spanish I know besides tacos and doritos and that's what the translator on Babelfish told me). Yes that's right, today is 5 whole months. Happy 5 month day, Cooper D!

On our way to work this morning, Cooper decides now he can sleep.

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Bright eyed this evening on our way to dinner.

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I sometimes (jokingly) think to myself that by blogging these photos that I'm in some way harming Cooper's political future. Or that someone will use the information, ie this photo, here to embarrass him. Oh well, kid, get some thick skin.

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It was actually a pretty good night with the photo taking. There were a lot of pretty nice photos that won't be shown here. This one really stands out because I caught him looking at the camera and smiling. That's an amazing feat in itself.

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Pappy came over this evening to visit us. He's fussy here, but he was actually pretty calm with Pappy; which means he didn't cry right away. It was kind of nice. I was starting to think Cooper might give Pappy some kind of complex.

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We believe he might be starting to teethe. A little while back we thought he was ready to teethe, but nothing appeared. He's really been chewing on his hands, burp rags, teethers, and my hands.

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Anonymous said...

I think he will realize just how important he is to you, when he sees how you have documented his life in pictures. :)

Anonymous said...

Come on Marty - I know you know cerveza (beer)!

Happy 5 months little Coopy!!!

Love Aunt Kelly who is now loving her new iPod that her wonderful brother, sister-in-law and Coopy got her for her birthday!

mini me's momma said...

At a certain age the boys may decide we're taking too many pictures, or they may just go on with it like celebrities and be prepared for the real papparazi when they grow up to be more famous than they already are!
Nicholas still only has tooth buds, but he's been teething on/off since 3 months! I started around 3 months, no tooth till after a year...