Monday, August 01, 2005

I owe you one...

Yesterday Cooper puked on me, just after I had taken a shower and put on fresh clothes. It was the first time he's ever fully puked on me. He's spit up many a time, but this was much more than that. And much more humiliating. Micole starts laughing, because it's happened to her many times (of course I never laughed when it happened to her*). Anyways Micole laughs and then Cooper just has to join in. He thought it was the funniest thing he had ever seen and probably was because he hasn't seen much yet.

How humiliating! A 4 month old baby laughing at me. My self esteem is permanently destroyed. Or at least until I get Cooper back one day...

Some pics from this fine evening.

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*She's also the one to smash the wedding cake in my face. I didn't do it to her until she did it to me.


Busy Mom said...

He is such a doll!!! Sorry about the puke thing.

mini me's momma said...

Lol, was it puke or exorcist projectile? We too experience the "Ha ha" laughing at you instead of with you...
That's a good color for him, brings out his eyes even more..lil cutie :-)

Marty said...

It was projectile. Usually I'm fast enough to get out of the way, but not this time.