Wednesday, August 31, 2005

I'll Drink To That*

We got through last night. Cooper was fussy until about midnight or so and then the Tylenol kicked in and it has been smooth sailing ever since. I had more to write earlier, but I'm not in the mood to write so much tonight. Maybe it's the beer.

Hello everybody. I'm feeling better today, though I kept Mommy and Daddy awake for a little while last night.

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Cooper prefers a bottle. And he also prefers to drink something other than the cheap beer Daddy drinks. But Daddy only drinks cheap beer to save money so he can pay for gasoline for the cars. Daddy paid $2.92 a gallon tonight at Sam's Club and he thinks he got a deal! Sucker.

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It is beautiful though...Ah, Milwaukee's Best. Or is it Natural Light? Same thing.

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*No 5 month old babies were corrupted in the shooting of tonight's post.

1 comment:

Denise B. said...

OOOOH!! A redhead! I'm quite partial to redheads ;) I'm hoping I get at least one redheaded child.

I completely understand about the physical threats if you pull the plug! Yep, I get them too!

The Boy had an ear infection at Cooper's age, we made a midnight run to the Emergency Room. yippee. Amoxicillan is good stuff, man!