Monday, September 26, 2005

Sleeping Sounds

On page 29 of the October 2005 edition of Wired Magazine are some interesting facts about babies with my commentary in bold.

  1. Percentage of babies with sleep problems: 69 (So far from my personal experience the number is 100.)
  2. Average number of nights per week parents of infants are awakened: 4 (I usually can sleep right through his midnight crying episodes, so this number seems a little high to me, but for my wife this is probably a little low.)
  3. Average number of hours of sleep lost per night: 1 (Is that for the 4 nights per week that parents are awakened or for the entire week? When we lose sleep we lose it big time, in chunks.)
  4. Decibels of a baby's cry: 115 (Is that all?)
  5. Decibels of a jackhammer: 105 (Really? I've never been woken up while sleeping next to a jackhammer, so I wouldn't have thought to compare the two.)

Last night was quickly becoming a perfect, peaceful Sunday night. Around 11:30 as I was drifting tranquilly into a halcyon dream, my son decided it was time for a few blood curdling screams. My my mind was transported through several states of consciousness (I counted at least four) in a matter of just seconds from serene to alert. Alert, but somewhat exhausted.

Teething. Must be teething, I reasoned. Get the Tylenol. Dose the boy. Shut him up. Get some sleep. For all of us.

5:30 AM. Alarm. Wake up. Tired. Especially for a Monday morning. Usually refreshed. Not so much today. Cooper. Sleeping. Little bugger. So now you can sleep all you want, huh?

I was never able to function on this little sleep until now. Eventually, I might even be able to do without sleep at all. That would be good. I could paint, sculpt things, write Hollywood manuscripts, and drink more beer.

The winner of tonight's photo contest is this submission from Marty in Cincinnati. Look at the slick do.

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Third place.

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mini me's momma said...

Brings you to wonder how we all survived the late nights in college w/little to no sleep...
Cute 'do!

Anonymous said...

Sleep? Let me think...Oh yeah! I remember that! Nice, huh? I just wanna smooch that handsome baby boy!

Unknown said...

Gah! I seriously thought my kid was the cutest kid in the world until I saw yours. Anyway, I guess I have a leg up in the sleep department. Yes I lost my fair share of sleep until about 5 months but the past 7 months I have only had to get up out of bed for the kid less than a handful of times.